Arc är en mångsidig skalstol för offentlig milljö som inte kompromissar med funktion, estetik eller hållbarhet. En hållbar och stark stol som är lätt att klä om och byta delar till vilket gör det lätt att ge Arc ett långt liv och slutligen montera ner för ansvarsfull återvinning. Arc finns i flera utföranden  – fyra ben, stålskena eller underrede i trä – och med eller utan armstöd och passar för många sammanhang och miljöer. Den formpressade sitsen och ryggstödet i träfanér finns tillgänglig lackad, helstoppad eller med stoppad sittdyna.

Stol och karmstol i 3 olika utföranden, 4-ben samt trästativ. Stativ i stålrör eller ståltråd samt massiv ask i standard RAL (svart, vit eller silver), krom, Selected RAL eller Anycolour RAL.
Sits/rygg i klarlackerat formpressat trä alternativt med kallskum klädd i standardtyg eller kundtyg. Stapelbar i utförande stol med 4-ben och medstativ. Armstöd i metall som tillval.

Designad av White Architects



Designed and built with heavy contract use in mind, with Mitab’s Refresh & Renew initiative you can repair and reinvigorate tired chairs simply and conveniently with clear pricing. From the point of view of sustainability selecting furniture with the longest in-service life is the most effective way of reducing CO2 emissions due to purchasing and user behaviours.


All Mitab products are manufactured in Tranås, Sweden

All of our factories are using 100% renewable electricity

Throughout the whole of Mitab’s collection, future life cycle is one of our most important considerations. All of the Mitab products are designed and made to last for decades and are developed and constructed for a responsible life cycle where Mitab, as the producer, takes full responsibility for all parts of the process, before, during and after a product has been made.

Here at Mitab, we believe that it is incredibly important to offer an incredibly easy and straightforward option to re-lacquer and/or reupholster your Mitab products to increase the lifespan of the piece.

We make it easy for you to extend each product’s life which ensures that all Mitab pieces are truly sustainable, ensuring our commitment to protecting the environment and the raw materials that we use. After all, the most sustainable piece of furniture is the one that lasts the longest.

Repair a worn-out detail, replace a broken component or re-cover in this seasons colour or pattern – Mitab supports every client with a commitment to helping and preventing any negative environmental impact by reinvigorating your existing furniture for new interiors or trends.

This service is offered within our standard pricing structure.

Mitab is certified according to ISO 14001

Mitab is certified according to ISO 9001

At Mitab, we strive to minimize the amount of packaging used when transporting our furniture.

All packaging material used is fully recyclable.

By producing locally and sourcing the majority of the components used in our furniture within bicycling distance to our factories we keep internal transportations low. For external transports we offer climate compensated options.

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